Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I am officially the greatest mediocre photographer of all time.

These photos are for a YAA (young artists academy) project called "Faces of Summit County." Let me tell you, this project has been nothing but a pain in the ass for me.

First of all, one of the requirements was that all the pictures had to be in black and white. This forced me to download the pictures from my camera SD card onto my dads computer, then email them to myself, because my laptop doesn't know how to process a piece of plastic. I had to get them onto my computer, not only to edit them to be black and white, but also to email them to the head of our academy. Transferring these pictures onto my computer was of vital importance. This was a problem because, over the year and 2 months that I've been in possession of that camera/SD card, I've taken quite a few very personal pictures, because I'm the only person who ever uses and looks at that camera. Ever. I see you touching my camera, I punch you in the forehead.

By "personal", I mean most of my photos are artistic selfies, inappropriate artistic selfies, or related to my own personal struggles and maybe some drugs that I definitely didn't do so shut the fuck up.

Now, let me tell you. I love my dad. But he can be, in the least offensive sense of the word, an asshole. He really likes to get all up in your business, and then one he's in your business, he likes to criticize your business. So can you imagine the hellish predicament that it was, moving my photos from my dad's computer to my computer?

me: Cool, I opened my pictures. Now I just need to email them to my-

Dad: OH HEEEELLLLLLLLL NO BITCH, duh HEEELLLLLLLLL you doin?! *sassy hip swing*

me: I'm transferring my photography from my camera to your computer so I can email them to myself. My computer doesn't have a card reader.

Dad: Fine then. *glances at personal pictures* AW SHIT BITCH duh HEEELLLLLLLLL is DAT?!


Dad: Is that shit gonna stay on my computer? It'd better not. I don't want you with your glorified THC in a file on this device.

me: I just need to email them to myself. Then you'll never have to see them again.

Dad: Good. This shit isn't even good shit. You gotta work on this shit. These pics be lookin like a nasty weave on a ratchet ass ho. Bye then, I'm going to the supermarket! Have fun!

me: -__-

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