Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A somewhat humorous lecture from a pansexual high school freshman

So I'm a relatively young person. Hell, I'm the youngest person in my grade. And I just learned what pansexual is. And, umm....yeah, hi there, greetings from a pansexual!

Let me explain.
I'm not one of those teenage girls who fits into the following category:
Woah guyz. I kissed a girl! Like, not full on makeout. We just kinda touched lips a little. And then I smacked her butt! LOLOLOLOL!!!!1! #datass
Haha I think I like girls now. I would never have sex with one though, ewweyyy!! But yeah, I'm bi everyonneeee ;3
Dear sweet muffintops, NO. 

When I was a kid, nobody ever explained to me that girls and boys "naturally" go together. I liked both equally, because I didn't know what genitals were either, and I just knew they were all humans, so I crushed on both genders.
I had a huge crush on this chick. Not gonna name names. Let's call her Fergi!
So I liked this Fergi girl. And then, one day, my friend asked me who I liked, and I said Fergi.
She flipped her shit.
So I acted like I was kidding, and I named some random nose-picking boy who I hardly knew and said that I actually liked him.
I didn't know why she flipped out, so I kept it to myself. It didn't particularly bother me, I actually thought she was weird for freaking out on me.
As the years went by, I learned that girls and boys like eachother and if a girl likes a girl or a boy likes a boy, they're weird. I also learned what gay and straight and bi meant. Recently I learned what pansexual is, and I was like holy corndogs, that's me.

Apparently, to lots of people, it's weird that I (and tons of other people) don't just like boys, I like people. I don't care who you are, or what your genitals are, if you make me happy, I'm gonna freaking love you. Why is that weird? Seriously, somebody needs to explain this fuckery to me.

I also found that people judge you too much on what you enjoy.

Oh, you're a concert pianist, a singer, an artist, a straight A students, an astronaut, and a unicorn? Holy shit, you're the best!
Wait, you also like people with the same genitals as you? Oh, gross. You suck now.

That's how I interpret people who don't like the LGBTwhteverthefuck community.

The point of this post is that it's stupid to surpress who you actually are. Are you an apple-juggling lesbian unicycling circus elephant on the inside? Good, go ahead and show the world.


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