As I write this sentence, I have over 5100.
I'm seriously peeing myself. I'm very excited.
However, being my fabulously paranoid self, my brain began to immediately flood my conscious with reasons why this could all be fake. I might not actually have over 5000 pageviews. The world might not be real. I might be inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a movie about dreams inside of dreams. BLOGCEPTION.
Anyway, I'm going to continue this post as if I don't have that lingering nagging in my head that I might actually be in a coma in the ICU in a hospital and that I'm imagining this entire universe along with all life and humans might actually not look like how I'm imagining and everyone is actually some sort of large gelatinous crab-squid thing and a medical team of gelatinous crab-squids is watching my every vital sign in the hospital and I don't even know about it because I'm in a coma.
I've been getting quite a lot of feedback saying that everyone just loves my illustrations. This brings me such joy it is unimaginable, and for various reasons. First reason being, illustrating these damn posts is time-consuming as fuck. I mean, I love to draw and sketch and stuff, and if I can do so and make people happy at the same time, well that just tickles my titties. And, considering each little picture I draw takes me about 3 minutes of planning, and sometimes up to 20 minutes of drawing/editing/reviewing each little detail, knowing that it is all not for nothing gives me the happies.
Another reason why it makes me all happy that you like my illustrations is that my personality translates pretty damn well into each picture. Therefor, when people say they like my illustrations, this gives me some validation that I might actually have something to offer the world besides something to stare at. I mean, my ears are all stretched and my hair is all dyed and my clothes are all weird, and I have a decent personality? Suck on that, judgmental ass-lickers.
Basically, I thank thee for putting up with my unbelievable level of spazziness. I'd still be spazzy anyway, even if you didn't put up with it. That's just what I do.
(that was my mediocre attempt at being a doge)
much courtney
very fail
such mediocrity