Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My very favorite songs

I guess one could say that this post is a continuation of this post about my favorite bands. This one is most of my favorite songs. NOTE: I listen mainly to progressive death metal, nu metal, grunge, and hard rock. I'm pretty sure there's some indie rock and psychedelic rock from the 60s in there too, though. These are in no particular order. (Another thing; I had to fucking look up how to embed grooveshark songs in blogger, specifically for this post. You'd better appreciate this shit.)
Needles by Seether
Needles by Seether on Grooveshark
GENRE: nu metal/hard rock

Spheres of Madness by Decapitated
Spheres of Madness by Decapitated on Grooveshark
GENRE: progressive death metal

Bleed by Meshuggah
Bleed by Meshuggah on Grooveshark
GENRE: progressive death metal

Blooddrunk by Children of Bodom
Blooddrunk by Children of Bodom on Grooveshark
GENRE: melodic/progressive death metal

Out of My Way by Seether
Out of My Way by Seether on Grooveshark
GENRE: nu metal/hard rock

Gasoline by Seether
Gasoline by Seether on Grooveshark
GENRE: hard rock

Lions in Cages by Wolf Gang
Lions In Cages by Wolf Gang on Grooveshark
GENRE: indie rock

Let it Go by Fossil Collective (NO, NOT THE ONE FROM FROZEN, ASSWIPE)
Let It Go by Fossil Collective on Grooveshark
GENRE: indie

Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana
Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana on Grooveshark
GENRE: grunge

Inside the Fire by Disturbed
Inside the Fire by Disturbed on Grooveshark
GENRE: hard rock

Indestructible by Disturbed
Indestructible by Disturbed on Grooveshark
GENRE: hard rock

El Negro Cósmico by Caifanes
El negro cósmico by Caifanes on Grooveshark
GENRE: spanish soft rock

Snuff by Slipknot
Snuff by Slipknot on Grooveshark
GENRE: soft rock

Psychosocial by Slipknot
Psychosocial by Slipknot on Grooveshark
GENRE: nu metal

People=Shit by Slipknot
People=Shit by Slipknot on Grooveshark
GENRE: nu metal

Aneurism by Nirvana
Aneurysm by Nirvana on Grooveshark
GENRE: grunge

Isolation by Alter Bridge
Isolation by Alter Bridge on Grooveshark
GENRE: rock/hard rock

Breath Again by Alter Bridge
Breathe Again by Alter Bridge on Grooveshark
GENRE: rock

Voodoo Child (live) by Jimi Hendrix
Voodoo Child (Slight Return) by Jimmy Hendrix on Grooveshark
GENRE: 60s rock

Fuck It by Seether
Fuck It by Seether on Grooveshark
GENRE: nu metal/grunge

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