Friday, March 7, 2014

A neat little family history lesson

I got a pretty fucking cool thing in the mail today.

My super awesome Poppop sent me this photo in the mail. That's right, you can send pictures by mail. Like, physical mail. Email can go screw itself.

This picture, as you may have already noticed, is of my great grandparents and great-great grandparents. It was taken at some really fancy party in the 1940s. They all came over from Russia, and they were all extremely elegant. They came through Ellis Island and lived in the fabulous developing New York City.

They were also extremely Jewish.

My Poppop sent this to me because we have an extremely similar sense of humor, that being we're both intelligent and enjoy dry anti-jokes and South Park and stuff that a lot of people would hear and be like, "Wait, dafuq?"
Actual photo of my Poppop and my Gramma who pretty much raised me. Love those old peeps.

My Poppop is damn sure that our shared intelligent sense of humor can be blamed on our Jewish roots. That's why he sent me this picture. I've never really known much about my great-great-somethin-somethin grandparents besides that fact that they were Jews, they owned a clothing business, and they were chain smokers and mild alcoholics. I didn't know what they looked like, and I didn't even know their names. According to my Poppop, my great grandpa Henry Hirshon (on the far left) and my great-great grandpa Julius Levine (on the far right) were both pretty damn funny along with their Jewishness. Not only were they fancy and elegant and really Jewish, but they apparently are the source of our dry, intelligent funniness. Honestly, I wish I had met them. They all died of either lung cancer or the aftereffects of scarlet fever before the year 1970, so that could never have happened. I don't know if they'd like me anyway. I think they'd like my sense of humor that apparently is so similar to what theirs was, but if I were to reveal my actual ADD spazziness, I don't know if they'd be totally into me.


But yeah, so that's a bit of a little explanation as to why I am the way that I am. Probably. It's pretty cool to know that I have a big ol' clusterfuck of New Yorker, Russian, Jew, and classy-as-fuck-ness in my blood. 

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