Monday, March 3, 2014

Courtney.exe has crashed. Restart program?

I'm done.
So is everybody else.
Can we just, like, stahp?

For real, it is now March. We've been in school since the middle of August. I don't know about you, but I've just recently hit a wall. A wall of I don't give a fuck. This happens every year. What will happen, is the school year will start. I'll be happy as a mexican jumping bean on a pogo stick in a bouncy house. Then, as the year goes on, the shittiness will slowly but surely intensify. I'll get to a point where I'm just like, "Nope. Fuck ALL the things. I'm gonna flop into bed and watch youtube and do nothing because school is futile." Then I'll walk into school in my pajamas with my hair looking like an afro got hit by a truck. I officially become the least showered, most sarcastic rebel ever. I give so many fucks about not giving fucks, I forget to not give fucks and I start to give fucks about giving fucks. Or somethin'.

However, later in the year, I get to a point where nothing even bothers me anymore. I have nothing to fight. I can't even complain about school. I am no longer a rebel in that I think I don't need school. I just develop this attitude that's like, "Can we just stop? I've pretended to learn everything that I need to succeed in life. If you don't mind, I'll take my high school degree, show it to a bunch of colleges, and then probably burn it in the fiery pits of hell."
I'm beginning to count down the weeks until school ends, even though it's only March. There's 14, including spring break. For now, I'm just going to hide under my blankets and hibernate until summer. Then I'm just going to hibernate more. I mean, that's pretty much the only thing I do voluntarily besides eat and draw and play music.

I'm done with school.
I'm ready for it to be summer.

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