Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How to paint a beautiful landscape, according to my experience

I'm completing a landscape for YAA. This is how it's been going.

step one: Ignore project for 3 weeks.

step two: Acknowledge project. Get mildly worried. Put it off due to the illusion that hiding from project will make it go away.

step three: Go out to Michael's at 10 pm on a sunday night, 4 days before project is due. Frantically buy all supplies needed, including paint, paintbrushes, and canvases.

step four: Come home after buying supplies. Set up supplies. Feel guilty about being a failure at life. Complete nothing.

step five: Let Monday go by. Complete nothing.

step six: Furiously complete all homework, therefor making more time to begin project.

step seven: Freak out due to lack of time to begin project.

step eight: Stall. Write blog post while staring at blank canvas.

special thanks to my fabulous friends Amanda and Story for sitting with me during lunch and watching me furiously type and illustrate this post.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I'm soooo scared for this project. I'm only half-way done with mine and I can't make it to art tomorrow... I'm so screwed.
