Sunday, April 6, 2014

I like girls! (day of silence)

Hold onto your strap-ons people, it's time for a serious post.

April 11th is the official 2014 Day of Silence. I participated in this last year, and I'll be doing it again this year, and the year after that, and every year until equality is achieved in the LGBT community.
Now, I am not a lesbian. I am what is commonly referred to as pansexual. I don't really feel like explaining in a big ass paragraph what the definition of pansexual is- I let the internet do that for me.
Now, the fact that I live in Utah, essentially the single most bigott-filled state in the US, makes this particular day all the more relevant. A lot of people in my school think that this day is insignificant and stupid, and that it will not do anything. These assholes seem to be missing the point entirely. The point of The Day of Silence is to raise awareness for the LGBT community, mostly teens, who feel that the only way to escape bullying, discrimination, and prejudice is to be silent and hide their true self. People often don't understand the fact that it's immensely difficult to come out as gay, lesbian, or bisexual when you're just a teenager. It becomes even more difficult in a place like Utah, where same-sex love is frowned upon. 

I want to live in a world where people can go anywhere in the world and feel safe and happy marrying whoever the fuck they feel like marrying. Hell, maybe one day I'll find a sexy lady and I'll want to put a ring on it. By the time I'm ready to put a ring on it, it'd better be fucking legal all across the world for me to put a god damn ring on it. 

1 comment:

  1. Last year I didn't know about this till kids showed up at school with the pieces of paper. This year I am defiantly doing this! Everybody needs to have equal rights regardless of race, religion, and sexuality.
