I seriously have almost no life.
As a teenager, I am in the midst of my prime. However, I choose to waste this time doing a bunch of unworthy shit.
My days consist of large amounts of making/listening to music, school, homework, texting people, facebook, youtube, and being stressed nearly to the point of stabbing myself in the eye. I hardly ever hang out with people, because my priorities are homework and music. After I finish my homework, which takes several hours, I play piano and guitar for another several hours. That's completely by choice, I don't even take music lessons and I haven't since I was 11. After all that, it's usually midnight, so I'm tired. I get into bed, text people explaining to them that I was too busy music-ing and homework-ing to hang out, text Boyfriend, go on facebook (which I hate, I don't know why I do that), and watch random crap on youtube. Then I go to sleep around 1 or 2 in the morning. I wake up at 6 and continue this cycle.
This affects my appearance. Sometimes I wake up ready for the day and I feel relatively okay, and I get dressed and do my hair and makeup without too much of a problem. However, most days, I wake up feeling like I just got hit by a truck. Lifting a damn hairbrush is a monumental task for me. I usually end up going to school like this:
So, I'm never in the mood to actually go outside or hang out with people. My life is one of the most boring things ever. Then, with all the schoolwork, my mood is always just like NO. NOO. FUCK YOU. FUCK THIS. FUCK EVERYTHING. I'M TAKING A NAP.
The most exciting things I do are write music, dye my hair, and smoke certain things occasionally. (disclaimer: don't do drugs kids, drugs are bad, if you do drugs then you're bad, etc etc). I'm not even joking, setting up plans with my friends is one of the most anxiety filled, daunting activities that I've ever been faced with. I love all my friends, I swear. But I'm also the most enormous introvert on the face of the planet. After seeing everyone in school, the idea of getting out of bed, getting ready, and appearing enthusiastic about moving my body, does not interest me in the least.
Essentially, I could certainly have a life if I wanted to. I just don't.
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