Sunday, November 3, 2013

What separates me from other people!

So, I've recently come to terms with the fact that my personality pretty much stopped developing after I turned, like, seven.

Yes, of course, I know more things now, and I guess I'm a little more mature, but in all honesty I haven't changed at all. I'm still one of the strangest people you'll ever meet. Seriously, I'll bet that anybody who knows me will be like Oh, Courtney? Hahaha, she's hilarious. We recently had a whole conversation on how awesome toes are. Then she went off about how there's definitely a satanic cult hiding in her closet. After that, she started telling me about how she's pierced her ear 7 times herself and how her stuffed monkey helped her through it. She's a real card, that girl.



Do you get the idea? The only difference between seven-year-old-me and current-me is that current-me knows more about life and school and some illegal things. I still really like stupid online games like this one. If I still knew where they sold them, Webkinz would be my life, because it completely took over my psyche back in 3rd grade. I still hate walking up stairs with people walking behind me, because I feel like somebody's going to smack my butt; I mean, they are at the perfect angle to do so. I still want to get a pet camel spider and name it Jasmine. I'm the same person as I've always been. I'm just a little older, is all. 
I am quite seriously the strangest person, like, ever. You know that whole nature-vs-nurture thing? Well, they've apparently proven that how you turn out in the end is roughly 90% nurture and only 10% nature. Okay, look, science; I know you're all about facts and proving things, but I think I might be a special case. I believe I was genetically predestined to be an outlier. I was raised to be SUPER NORMAL. Sure, I was born in a Manhattan taxi and all, but after that, I was raised by my parents, two very normal people. I was raised listening to U2 and The Verve and Aphex Twin and lots of classical music. No matter how much my parents and teachers told me to calm the fuck down, I could never successfully do so for more than maybe an hour. Nobody ever came close to encouraging my weirdness until very, very recently, and that's years and years of being told to sit down, shut up, and do what you're told. I'm pretty sure that's what drove me to stop taking piano lessons and start writing my own music; I can't be told exactly what to do, or else I freak out.

I am living proof that you can be different and be absolutely fine. 

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